Is Annabelle Lopez Ochoa the Busiest Female Ballet Choreographer on the Planet?
I grew up dancing, and for a while in college, I was a gym rat. I finally realized… I’m going to create a little more balance in my life and make exercise something that I enjoy doing. So I went back to dance when I started doing more musical theatre, and I’ve just found that […]
Performances Onstage This Month In New York City
NC tour A Canadian who lives in North Carolina, choreographer-on-the-rise Helen Simoneau is using her newest evening-length work, Caribou, to take a closer look at heritage, assimilation and identity. She studies these ideas through the iconic caribou—an enormously antlered animal beloved by our friends to the nort.
Review: For Pennsylvania Ballet, Transitions Onstage
All dance companies are, inevitably, in perpetual transition, but that’s unusually pronounced just now at Pennsylvania Ballet, which opened a program of 21st-century choreography on Tuesday night at the Joyce Theater. Since Angel Corella became the company’s artistic director in 2014, large numbers of dancers have come and gone. Some of those dancing in New York this week […]